Sunday, April 29, 2012

My New Job

So my darlings, you must be feeling very unloved, and for that I am sorry. The reason for my silence is in fact a bit of good and interesting news. Some of you know this via Twitter, so forgive me for repeating myself, but I have taken a new job! Three weeks ago I began as Acting Beauty Editor of the fantastic IMAGE Magazine. This is a brand new challenge for me and one I had to think exceptionally hard about accepting as my girls are so young, particularly Anna, who was only three and a half months when I began.
But you know what? I now know that sometimes life offers you a chance, you may not know the outcome or even see the way clearly but you have to take it. You have to try it. If it doesn't work out, no-one's going to shoot you!
Being a beauty editor has always been one of my dreams and particularly so since I started Ellie Loves. I love beauty and I love's kinda nice that now they merge (and I get paid for it!)
However, I am merely keeping the seat warm for Liz who has gone to have her first baby so it's an experiment - I'm dipping my toe into unknown waters but here's hoping for good things.
After what was perhaps the worst year of my life last year (and the beginning of this one wasn't so great either!) this opportunity came along out of the blue and here I am... A juggling, multi-tasking, trying-it-on-for-size working Mum.
So my friends, I will be writing here more once I figure out this new and hectic way I'm arranging my life...bear with me and thank you for still coming to see what I have to say.

Lots of love

P.S. you can follow my beauty musings on Twitter...@imagebeautyed


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